Forty years ago, wearing an anchored skin almost automatically classified us in a box: that of biker, thugs, sailors , prostitutes (you choose) and so on. Wrongly, we were then immediately cataloged as a character with a cheeky life and ethicsmore than flouted. Fortunately, the image of the tattoo has changed profoundly in recent decades. Today, it is no longer hidden but proudly displayed, like a master painting. And this is understandable: the techniques having greatly evolved, the work provided by these tattoo artists is more and more magnificent. Having also a storefront, it is no longer trivial to push the door of a salon, even if it is only to ask for information. Unfortunately, this craze for ink under the skin can sometimes push us to choose a drawing in a hurry, which will make us bitterly regret our impulse years later, even after only a few months. To avoid ending up with a dandelion that turns into a flock of birds,
1. Before taking action
This is undoubtedly the first advice to take into account before taking the plunge. Your best friend just got one and you want to be as cool as him? Negative. Do you find that your favorite football player has the best headlines and you want to do the same? Out of the question. We can never repeat it enough but a tattoo is for life. If our tastes evolve more or less throughout our life and can then be modified, this is not the case with a tattoo, so it is better to think twice. Another point, do not be envious. I have often heard certain people say, after observing my pieces, that it made them want to make one. This is without a doubt the worst thing to do!
It is therefore best to be patient. Personally, I have my right arm almost finished, my calves, my feet, my ribs and my left thigh stitched, which represents in all and for all about fifteen parts on the body. If it’s relatively little compared for example to a complete body suit , it still took me 6 years! The fact is that I wanted beautiful pieces that lasted over time, so I thought long and hard about each one. In short, if you want to get a tattoo but you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything until you’re set!
The opinion of the experts
“Above all, you have to ask yourself if you really want to. It is not a question of getting a tattoo of any design and regretting your gesture once the piece has healed simply because you said to yourself: “at worst I would remove it with a laser!” “. The laser is not necessarily the miracle solution! What makes all the beauty of the tattoo is its permanent side. If we are sure of ourselves, we must know what and why. You can get a tattoo for a whole host of different reasons. By mimicry, belonging to a group, by mode, since the tattoo is very trendy these days, to mark an event (birth or death of a loved one, to the glory of a sporting victory, breakup, etc.) or in tribute to a parent (Mom / Dad) , to his children, or to a music group (or even just the title of a song), or to the love of his life (this is highly inadvisable!). Or quite simply to appropriate an image that is close to our hearts; that it touches us by its aesthetics or the message it conveys. In any case, everything does not need to be explicit, the meaning of a tattoo is above all the one given to it. And often, the first idea is the best. »
tattoo artist and manager of the Sorry Dad store in Toulouse :
“Indeed, it is important to think carefully before taking action. Whether it’s the fact of inking your skin for the rest of your life, as much as for the reason or the person by whom you have it done. Especially for first tattoos, it is necessary to ask the right questions! Both personally and professionally :)”
1. Differentiate between styles
Like any other art, the tattoo is not limited to a single universe. Thus, there are different very different styles that can meet everyone’s desire. Far be it from us to make a boring article and as long as a family meal on Christmas Day, we have listed the main and most used:
Review by Rubie Maza
“The different tattoo styles can be easily distinguished: by the different lines, shading techniques, fillings, patterns…sometimes with or without color. They are also there to meet everyone’s tastes but also and above all have a symbolism and a history. The choice of the style that suits you depends only on your tastes, there is nothing categorical in these statements… Let your instincts guide you! »